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pdf The jobs that Artificial Intelligence will create Beliebt
Von Bodenseezentrum Innovation 4.0 Markiert in Arbeitswelt, Digitalisierung 1612 Downloads
The threat that automation will eliminate a broad swath of jobs across the world economx is now established. As artificial intelligence (AI) systems become ever more sophisticated, another wave of jobs displacement will almost certainly occur. It can be a distressing picture. But here´s what we´ve been overlooking: Many new jobs will also be created - jobs that looking nothing like those that exist today. In Accenture PLC´s global study of more than 1000 large companies already using or testing AI and machine-learning systems, we identified the emergence of entire categories of new, uniquely human jobs. These roles are not replacing old ones. They are novel, requiring skills and training that have no precedents. More specifically, our reseatsch reveals three new categories of AI-driven business and technology jobs. We label them trainers, explainers, and sustainers. Humans in these roles will complement the tasks performed by cognitive technology, ensuring that the work of machines is both effective and responsible - that it is fair, transparent, and auditable.
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