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pdf Discussion Paper: Usage View of the Asset Administration Shell Beliebt
Von Bodenseezentrum Innovation 4.0 Markiert in Arbeiten 4.0, Digitalisierung 1395 Downloads
In the context of Industrie 4.0 the concept of asset administration shell is widely discussed. Nevertheless, a comprehensive view from an application point of view is still missing. However, this is necessary so that a broad community better understands the objectives of this concept to be able to generate benefits from its usage.
We like to thank the members of the working group “modeling examples” of VDI/VDE Society Measurement and Automatic Control (VDI/VDE-GMA) Technical Committee 7.21 “Industrie 4.0 – Terms, Reference Models and Architecture Concepts” and the “Use Case Task Force” in the International Standardization Action Group, Robot Revolution & Industrial IoT Initiative (RRI), for having taken this approach and various members of working groups of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 for their contribution and open discussion. These activities are part of the Germany-Japan cooperation.
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