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pdf The Symbiosis of Humans and Machines: Planning for Our AI-Augmented Future Beliebt

Von Markiert in Arbeiten 4.0, Digitalisierung, Wissen & Kompetenz 1791 Downloads

The Symbiosis of Humans and Machines: Planning for Our AI-Augmented Future

With human workers at all levels increasingly collaborating with intelligent machines, here’s how organizations can develop the new disciplines needed to optimize the capabilities of both.

Our work of tomorrow is going to look vastly different from the work we do today. Artificial intelligence (AI) is augmenting workers in certain roles, and soon this trend will expand to the vast majority of the workforce, allowing humans to do the work that matters and, in the process, vastly improving workforce productivity and effectiveness. Rather than being concerned about a jobless future, organizations are now called upon to prepare for work that’s enhanced through the collaboration of humans and machines.


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