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pdf POWERING AHEAD - Developments in power electronics mean a prospective bonanza for smart players Beliebt
Von Lara Beck 776 Downloads
Power electronics providers are looking toward a bright future. Until 2018 the overall market is expected to grow at an average of 7% per year. Even more important:
It will deliver double-digit margins. On this interesting playground we see manufacturers of electronic components, of actuators, generators and other electromechanical equipment, and providers that integrate those components. Each of these players will participate in the overall growth to another dimension. While system integrators and suppliers of electronic components will grow only moderately – 5 and 6%, respectively – providers of actuators, generators and other equipment will see their business increase at a rate of 9%. In total this translates into an expansion of market value of about USD 220 billion by 2018. This is likely to be an exciting place to be for both established players and newcomers hoping to carve out a share of the market for themselves.
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